Coping with Shock
Throughout your lifetime it’s likely you will be taken by surprise on several occasions and while sometimes surprises are good, other times they can be upsetting and traumatic. When we’re taken off guard by a sudden event, we can go into shock, and this can have major effects on both our body and mind. Some types of shock might be less alarming than others, for example, a sudden noise might frighten you or someone might bump into you on the street. But it’s the more concerning kinds of shock that can really send your head into a spin, such as an unexpected death of someone close to you or a serious accident. How does shock affect us? Negative types of shock that stem from traumatic situations can cause many different physical and emotional responses and you might experience some of the following effects: Increased heart rate Rapid breathing Anxiety Sense of fear Nausea Stomach problems Tight chest Stress According to Psychology Today , “The hallmark symptom of shock is feeling a surge ...