
Showing posts with the label marriage problems

How to rebuild a marriage after infidelity

The line between innocent flirtation and romantic betrayal is often elastic with many couples conflicted because their partner does not share the same definition of cheating as them. Being unfaithful in a marriage often results in separation and devastation. However, while recovery is possible, it’s a challenging journey that requires commitment, vulnerability, and patience from both partners. Why do affairs happen? There are endless reasons why someone chooses to be unfaithful to their partner. Some of the more common ones include: Lack of affection Feeling neglected Falling out of love Low self esteem Breakdown of communication between partners Mental health issues such as depression or anxiety Physical health issues such as disability Major life changes such as having a child Stressful periods such as losing your job While cheating often happens due to problems in the relationship, it is also not uncommon for those in amazing and healthy marriages to fall victim to cheating. A happy...