Wellbeing tips for staying happy during winter
Long, dark days and what sometimes seems like endless dreary weather can impact our mental and physical health. Winter is the season when we are more likely to suffer from colds, flu, and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and not to mention piling on the pounds. So why is it that winter leaves so many of us feeling under the weather? Why winter can affect our mood During the winter months there is less sunlight and this has for many years been believed to cause an imbalance in the brain, and ultimately affect our mood. SAD can be seriously damaging to our wellbeing as it has similar symptoms to depression, including anxiety, fatigue, sadness, and lack of concentration. The mechanism for this change was not fully understood, but some researchers believe they now know the cause. Medical News Today takes a closer look at a study undertaken by researchers at the University of Copenhagen. The researchers measured levels of a protein called SERT in participants and found that those wi...