Attracting positive people into your life

One of the best ways to increase your own positivity is by surrounding yourself with positive people. Although there are situations, such as at work, where it might be difficult to choose who you come into contact with, there are other parts of your personal life where you are more in control.

In a study by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, we learn that positive thoughts can boost the immune system thus reducing anxiety and creating more positive emotions including happiness, love and contentment. Being around negative people can be a serious drain on our wellbeing and can even affect how we think and what we think, so it’s crucial to spend as much time as possible time with positive people.

Benefits of being around positive people

  • They make you smile more, which releases endorphins and makes you feel happier
  • They can increase your self-confidence
  • They can make you feel more relaxed which reduces anxiety and stress
  • They inspire you to be more positive

5 ways to attract positive people

  1. Be mindful of your conversations – When at social events or in company, be aware of what you are saying to others. If you only speak negatively, then it’s likely that positive people will want to avoid you. Keep your conversation upbeat and full of positivity and you are more likely to attract like-minded people.
  2. Avoid negative people – This can be easier said than done, so if there are times when you do have to be around negative people, try to limit that time and where possible, make an excuse to leave as soon as you can. Alternatively, if someone is saying negative things, perhaps put a positive spin on it so that they might be less negative in the future.
  3. Express gratitude – When you show appreciation for what you already have in your life, it can attract like-minded positive people who also show gratitude. Expressing gratitude (even to yourself in a private journal) can remind you of the positive things in your life and make you feel more positive.
  4. Practise mindfulness – By practising mindfulness techniques, you will learn to shift your thought patterns so that you look for the good in every situation, no matter how small. When we begin to notice the less obvious details in our day-to-day life, we become much more appreciative and positive about the world around us. Our positive outlook will, in turn, attract positive people.
  5. Practise visualisation – Visualisation is a wonderful way of attracting what you want into your life. By imagining positive outcomes in our life, we can increase our confidence and strengthen our ability to achieve what it is that we actually want. Before you start, make sure you know what kind of people you want to attract. Create a clear vision in your mind of what they would be like, imagine what they sound like, how they would interact with you, and how they would benefit your life. 

Once you do start to attract positive people into your life, you’ll notice a shift in your mental wellbeing which will make you feel happier and more confident.


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