
Showing posts from 2020

New Year’s resolutions for your wellbeing

If ever there was a year to consider making New Year resolutions, it’s 2020! Although many people believe that New Year’s resolutions are a waste of time, for many they offer focus and a more positive mindset. They don’t have to be about creating a challenge so difficult that you are setting yourself up to fail, they can be something simple to ensure you are more focused on yourself and your own wellbeing. We all need some self care to ensure we are feeling at our best both mentally and physically. Health goals Research shows that our physical health is an important contributor to our mental wellness. A report 'Let's get physical - the impact of physical activity on wellbeing' published by the Mental Health Foundation   says that: “Participation in regular physical activity can increase self-esteem and reduce stress and anxiety. Physical activity can help play a role in preventing mental health problems and improve the quality of life of those experiencing it. For example, ...

Day 6 – Six geese are laying – Lay down your reserves

When things are going well, take time to lay down reserves for future leaner times. We can do this by taking five to ten minutes a day to practise some deep breathing or mindfulness/relaxation exercises. These practices have been shown to make us feel less stressed, which allows us to respond better to stressful situations. When we are faced with a stressful situation, our bodies change rapidly and significantly to help us deal with it head on or run away (known as the ‘fight or flight’ response). If these events are constant and our bodies don’t reset in between, it can lead to long-term physical and mental health issues. Mindfulness and deep breathing are some of the ways to manage our stress response.  For more on managing stress, download our free booklet 'The Stress Factor - Your Guide To Stress'>  

Day 5 – Five gold rings – Prioritise what matters to you most

What do you hold precious in your life? It’s not always the things that you give priority to. Note down the five most important things in your life and spend today prioritising those things in some way. For example, if your grandparents are important to you, give them a call. If your job is important, think of some ways you could improve your performance going forwards. If your health is important, make an exercise and nutrition plan. When there's a lot going on, it can be easy to do the things that come up and never have time for your important things. Prioritise your important things and you will feel happier and more fulfilled.

Day 4 – Four calling birds – Communication comes in many forms

Communication isn’t always vocal, we communicate a lot about ourselves and our feelings through our body language, actions and behaviours. Do you say that you want to spend time with your partner, but sit staring at your laptop when you’re together? Do you suggest meeting a friend but always turn up late? There may be an underlying message in these behaviours. Perhaps you feel tired and don’t really want to interact with your partner or perhaps you feel ambivalent about meeting your friend and struggle to motivate yourself to get ready and out of the door on time. On the other hand, you may simply be struggling to cope and feel overloaded. It’s important to consider all non-verbal cues when reading a situation. These include not only actions, but also facial expressions and body language. What is your face and body saying about you? Did you know that research has found that we even judge the intelligence of others by their facial expressions? If you want to find out more about non-verb...

Day 3 – Three French hens – Make time for friends

Like partners, friends are vital to our mental health. They provide us with a different perspective on things and are often kinder to us than we are ourselves. We may not see our friends often, but having social connections is important for our mental and physical wellbeing. Make the effort to give a friend a call today and find out how they are. You can even meet them on platforms such as House Party and do quizzes together. Shared experiences boost the feeling of connectedness. Give it a go!  Read more about why friendships are important for health and happiness >

Day 2 – Two turtle doves – Nurture your relationships

None of us can survive alone in the world. We all need someone to love and cherish us. Take some time today to nurture your relationship with a partner or to work on supporting future relationships. According to Dr Arthur Aron, psychology professor at the University of New York’s Interpersonal Relationships Laboratory, the way to rekindle some of the sparks from the earlier stages of your relationship is to do something new and different together. Dr Aron says that couples who share new experiences report greater happiness in their marriage than those who simply share familiar experiences. So if you’re at a loose end today, think of something new to do together and start rekindling those sparks! And if you’re single at the moment, plan to take up a new hobby – join a club or society or take some lessons. Shared interests are vital in new relationships! Download our FREE relationships booklet (pdf) > Read more about improving your relationship in this New York Times article >

Day 1 – A partridge in a pear tree – Find your happy place

Just like the partridge, it’s important to have a happy place where we feel safe and happy. But you may be surprised to learn that your happy place is a place you can create within yourself – no pear tree required! And the best bit is that once you have a happy place, you can visit whenever you need a top up of happiness. To find your happy place, think of somewhere where you've felt safe, relaxed, carefree and happy. It may be your childhood bedroom, somewhere you’ve been on holiday, on board a ship or whatever works for you. Imagine being there, remember how you felt when you were there (the sun on your skin, the softness of your bed beneath you, the gentle movement of the waves beneath you, etc). What did you see (imagine the beautiful scenary, your familiar things around you, etc). What did you hear? (your favourite music, the waves lapping on the shore, seagulls, etc). And finally, what did you smell and taste? Practise transporting yourself there today and feel the tension me...

How to bounce back from losing your job

2020 has been a tough year for everyone, and it has had devastating effects besides physical illness. Owing to lockdown and businesses being unable to operate as normal, many people have found themselves not only in extremely difficult financial situations but in some cases, out of work. If you or someone you know has recently lost their job and is struggling with their mental wellbeing, we have some useful tips that could help you get back on your feet and feeling in a more positive state of mind. There’s no denying, losing your job can seriously impact your health and wellbeing. As well as being faced with the worry of paying your bills and rent or keeping up mortgage repayments, it can leave you feeling rejected, hopeless, and feeling as though you have lost your identity. In the short term you might feel stressed, anxious, or angry and if you don’t find ways to cope with these emotions, it could lead to long term depression. The emotions you may experience after losing your job are...

Attracting positive people into your life

One of the best ways to increase your own positivity is by surrounding yourself with positive people. Although there are situations, such as at work, where it might be difficult to choose who you come into contact with, there are other parts of your personal life where you are more in control. In a study by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information , we learn that positive thoughts can boost the immune system thus reducing anxiety and creating more positive emotions including happiness, love and contentment. Being around negative people can be a serious drain on our wellbeing and can even affect how we think and what we think, so it’s crucial to spend as much time as possible time with positive people. Benefits of being around positive people They make you smile more, which releases endorphins and makes you feel happier They can increase your self-confidence They can make you feel more relaxed which reduces anxiety and stress They inspire you to be more positive 5 ways to attra...

Surviving the festive season under covid-19 rules

This year has been a rollercoaster of changing rules and regulations thanks to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. Unsurprisingly, many people in the UK have been affected by these new rules and regulations. Some of these new rules have resulted in much of the population having to spend long periods in their homes, some not being able to mix with other households, and millions of children being off school for long periods of time. Studies by The Office of National Statistics have shown that the pandemic has had a huge impact on people’s wellbeing, with more than 69% of UK adults being affected. With the festive season approaching, many of you may be worried about how you will cope with the newly announced plans for the festive period. We have some tips to tackle loneliness, especially if you’re unable to spend time with loved ones at this time of year. Christmas with covid Current rules state that if you have covid or covid symptoms, or if you have been in direct contact with somebody w...

How to make guilt-free choices to improve your wellbeing

Many of our thoughts about ourselves are actually not our own at all. Outside influences can have a major impact on how we view our actions and even our physical appearance. You may compare your life with that of others and feel guilty that you aren’t perceived to have achieved as much. Sometimes family members or friends can make you feel inferior with their questions and observations about your life. It’s time to take a break from these negative influences and to reflect on what you want. Learn how to improve your mental and physical wellbeing while tearing off the shackles of guilt imposed by others. What pressures can affect my wellbeing? Family Even the most well-meaning of family members can chip away at your confidence, merely by asking questions that highlight certain areas of your life. You could be of an age when family and even society expects you to have married, bought a house and and started a family. If these are all things you really want and you haven’t yet achieved th...

Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, as it’s often known, is a type of depression that occurs at specific times of the year or during certain types of weather. Depression is a condition that differs very much from the occasional bouts of sadness we all may feel from time to time. When you experience depression, you can feel sad, worthless, and anxious for long periods of time. If your mood is severely affected by changes in weather, it can have a serious impact on all areas of your life. However, there are steps you can take to alleviate these symptoms.  How do I know if I have SAD? There are all different types and symptoms of depression and it’s important to ascertain the cause or causes in order to get the right treatment. Although symptoms can vary from person to person, these are just some of the signs that you could be suffering from SAD: Low mood Lack of energy Trouble sleeping Avoidance of social situations Noticeable changes in appetite - eating more or eating less Loss of...

How to find your sense of purpose in life

There have been numerous studies into the impact of having a clear direction in life and the conclusions are extremely interesting. Research has revealed that having a life purpose can lengthen your lifespan, improve your physical health, and even improve mental health issues. The meaning of purpose can differ dramatically for each individual. For example, one person may view having a fulfilling career as entirely purposeful, whereas another could believe parenthood and bringing up a happy family will provide the ultimate fulfilment. However grand or simple a purpose may seem, it is evident that having a purpose can have a positive effect on your life. If you are struggling to determine what it is that would give you a sense of purpose, there are steps you can take to help you find it. What does it mean to have a purpose in life? Having a purpose in life means having an aim, whether it be a daily aim or a long-term goal. It could be as simple as having something to wake for each morni...

Getting the tech-life balance right

As essential as technology is to most people, it has its drawbacks. It’s all too easy to spend hours scrolling through social media posts, checking emails, or playing mobile games. This type of behaviour can result in mental and physical health problems as you become too dependent on technology. However, there are ways to get the balance right. Understand how technology affects your life Technology, when used as a distraction rather than a tool can impact your work and social life. The modern workplace often requires technology and so it is difficult to erase it from your life completely, or even for extended periods of time. However, if you actually record how often you spend online you will become more aware of how much time you are spending being distracted. Do you: Check emails and social media as soon as you wake up? Remain logged into to online accounts all day? Receive notifications and respond to them immediately? Communicate with friends and family mostly via apps and social m...

How to manage covid stress and rebuild your life

To say that the past months have been stressful would be an understatement. For many, the normality we once knew has been replaced with long periods of solitude, apprehension, confusion, and fear. Covid-19 entered our lives as an uninvited guest and has yet to leave. It is therefore not surprising that so many children and adults are exhausted and stressed by it all.  Although the virus is still very much present, the lockdown we once knew has changed. With restrictions having been lifted and then new measures imposed and people being encouraged to go about essential daily matters (including work where homeworking isn't possible) and to embrace the new normal, many are seeking ways to rebuild their lives. Discover ways you can beat the stress caused by Covid-19 and learn to rebuild your life so you can live it to the fullest. Establish a new routine Whether you were aware of it or not, before Covid you would have had a routine which was interrupted when the virus arrived. Routines ...

How to avoid burnout as a single parent

As any single parent is aware, parenting alone has both benefits and drawbacks. One of the benefits of being a single parent is that you’ll most likely be able to make all the parenting decisions independently on a daily basis, without having to compromise on parenting styles. However, this also means you’ll bear the brunt of parenting, both physically and mentally. This can be extremely exhausting, and if a single parent doesn’t prioritise their wellbeing, they could soon experience burnout. Why is it so hard to be a single parent? Being a single parent doesn’t always mean you aren’t co-parenting, but it can mean that as the majority care giver you have the bulk of the financial and practical parenting responsibilities. The financial side of single parenting is exhausting in itself and may mean you are working extra hard in order to fulfil your financial obligations and to give your child/children all the things they need. Pile onto this the physical strain of parenting such as domest...