Lessons from sport

In the next few weeks, Sir Alex Ferguson will reveal the secrets of his success in leadership at two talks taking place in Scotland. (Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow on 28 September 2015; Music Hall, Aberdeen on 1 October 2015)

The former football manager will talk about the leadership skills he developed during his long football management career and the many lessons he has learned along the way.

Can we learn from sport?

You may wonder whether the skills required of someone in a high profile sports management role can be transferred to someone who perhaps manages a business or a team of individuals within a large organisation.

Interestingly, the sports world has by its very competitive nature, been a key area of expertise in not only sports coaching but also performance coaching.

In recent years there has been much written on the subject of what has been termed 'the inner game' and how the way we think can make a huge impact on how we perform. Self belief and confidence in our abilities are key to being successful and achieving our goals.

Whether the goals are sports related, work related or personal achievements, confidence and self-belief are essential to doing your best along with a number of other factors that have been shown to be common among successful sports people.

NEW WORKSHOP - Focus: Lessons From Sport

If you're looking to improve your performance in an area of your life, then you can absolutely do it and the best place to start is by learning from successful sports people.

In a new workshop run by Dr Fani Papayianni, you will examine the key behaviours necessary for achieving your full potential - whether in the workplace or in your personal life - and look at ways you can incorporate these behaviours into your life.

Workshop Dates
Glasgow: 6-8pm, Wednesday 7 October 2015 - more details >
Edinburgh: 6-8pm, Wednesday 3 February 2015 - more details >

Don't delay, places are limited!



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