How to find your ideal partner - relationships part 1

With valentine's day fast approaching our attentions often turn to matters of the heart, but what if you haven't met that special someone yet? Here are some top tips on finding your ideal partner.

Spotting that special someone
No matter where you are - looking online, at your local pub, or even just walking down the street - you need to know who you're looking for. Think about the qualities that matter to you and be really honest with yourself. Try and sort in your mind the qualities that are  'must-haves' and those that are desirable but not necessarily deal breakers.

Shared values
When you meet someone for the first time, there's no denying that first impressions count. We take just a few seconds to decide whether we're interested in someone or not. However, once things move on and become more serious, ask yourself if you and your partner have shared goals and values. Do you respect them? Partners who share similar values and have a mutual respect for each other are more likely to have a long, happy relationshi together.

Come back tomorrow for 'relationships part 2' -how to rescue your relationship.


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