
Showing posts from January, 2013

Dealing with the suicide of someone close to you

It is estimated that 5% of people attempt suicide at least once in their lives, and 1 million people succeed every year, that’s more than from war and murder combined. If one of these people is someone you know and love, it is a very hard thing to deal with. The emotions are often different from other types of bereavement and can cause feelings on top of the usual grieving process. Many people feel a strong sense of abandonment and guilt, but you have to let these feelings go or they will consume you. Following these guidelines should be the first step to accepting the death of your loved one.  Record you emotions in writing. This can help you process what your feelings and help you let go of any of the anger and guilt.  Set time to grieve. Don’t try and carry on as normal, you must deal with your emotions.  Look after yourself, eat well and exercise. This will help you feel better and make it easier to sleep.  Don’t feel guilty. Talking to someone with a real...

Stuck in relationship cycles

At this time of year when we tend to look to the future and the shops are suddenly brimming with Valentine's gifts, it may be hard to face the fact that a relationship has ended badly. When you are not well matched a relationship is likely to end badly. However, if you keep picking the wrong partners it can leave you feeling helpless and alone. Firstly, ask yourself these questions to see whether you keep dating the wrong people. Do the same problems keep arising in each of your relationships?  Do you attract partners that need your help in some way? Are you trying to fix them?  Are you unable to be yourself in your relationships?  Do you spend a lot of time trying to please your partner at the expense of your own happiness?  Do you always behave in the same negative ways? (I.e. become jealous, over critical)  Make a list of characteristics of the people you have dated. Are these really the types of people you wish to end up with?  If you an...

Social networking: how to portray yourself positively

It’s the beginning of a New Year and we all want 2013 to bring us something exciting. Whether you wish to get in touch with old friends, look for a new job or are looking for love, social networking is a good first step. Fortunately modern technology means you can now do this from your sofa! According to recent statistics, 59% of us are now using some form of social networking. Whether it's Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn, social networking is a powerful tool to help you manage and expand both your personal and professional life. It is therefore crucial to portray yourself in a positive way. Here are some hints and tips to becoming social networking savvy. Unfortunately, it is impossible to separate your professional and personal life on the Internet. One simple Google search and your boss could see photos of you dancing on the desk at last year's Christmas party… so be very careful what you upload.  Show off your personality. There is no point trying to portray so...

Keeping your New Year’s resolutions

So you’ve set your 2013 resolutions, but now for the hardest part… keeping them. Evidence has shown that 40% of us give up our resolutions by the end of January. but if you follow this simple advice you can make 2013 a year for real change. Put your resolutions in writing. Studies have shown that writing down your intentions improves your chances of sticking to them.  Have a role model.  Find someone who has achieved what you want to achieve. Whether they are a celebrity or a friend, knowing that someone else has done it can give you the confidence to do it too.  Pinpoint potential obstacles. Figure out a plan beforehand so you are prepared to tackle the situation. For example if you are going for dinner but are trying to diet, have a healthy snack beforehand so you aren’t so tempted to have a huge meal.  Believe in yourself! As long as you have set yourself manageable goals you are more than capable of achieving them.  Do it with a friend. Going through th...