How to Raise Confident Kids

While many of us look back on our childhood and remember the good times with happy memories, growing up isn’t always easy for everyone. Learning about how to fit in with social expectations while being comfortable in your own skin can be pretty tricky for a child. Even more so when they hit teenage years and their hormones start to kick in. Nowadays, with the added pressures of social media defining what you 'should' look like or how you 'should' behave, kids have even more to deal with. Why is confidence important for our mental health? Low confidence and self-esteem are not mental health conditions as such, however, the way we feel about ourselves can have a huge impact on our emotional and mental wellbeing. These negative feelings can cause a child to believe that they’re not worthy of love or aren’t 'good enough' when comparing themselves to others. This can affect how they live their lives as they get older. Researchers from the University of Washington fo...