Are your daily habits and behaviours holding you back?

Not all of us can change the world, however, as human beings most of us want to achieve our full potential. This doesn’t always happen though and the reason for this often lies at our own door. As creatures of habit, it’s very easy to get locked in a pattern of behaviour that will stop us from doing what we are truly capable of.

The good news is that - with a bit off effort – we can change our destructive habits and replace them with a set of behaviours that set us up for success.

Remove distractions

To switch on your mind and creativity, you first need to switch off the many distractions that eat away at your time. Being connected to the world 24/7 has its advantages, but it also takes you away from focusing on what you need to develop yourself. Nothing ever got done well in front of the telly; nobody ever achieved anything of note watching their tablet. Appreciate the need to have some ‘switch off time’ every day and let your mind rest.

Get active

With many of us holding more sedentary jobs than we used to, it’s easy to see how exercise takes a back seat. However keeping active is key to keeping your mind and body in tip top condition. Without daily exercise you can quickly end up in a slump and it’s harder to motivate yourself. Just twenty minutes of activity a day is enough to keep minds clear and bodies healthy - and that’s what is needed to achieve your full potential.

Time out

Tell us, how much time each day do you put aside for yourself? It’s hard to pinpoint, isn’t it?

Do yourself a favour - set an alarm clock or timer for one minute every day. All you are to do for the entire time is focus on your breathing - nothing else. If your mind starts to wander, bring yourself back to your breathing, then simply stop when the timer tells you the minute is up. It’s a simple process but just taking a mindful minute every day is enough to focus your mind and step away from the clutter and chaos that can often hinder your productivity.

Complain less

There are times when venting your spleen can lighten you and make you feel better, however often we can all fall into the trap of complaining about that which we cannot change – and that can stop you from moving forward. Make yourself a promise not to complain about things that you personally cannot change – it’s a waste of energy. When you catch yourself complaining, stop, and then see how quickly not-complaining affects your overall mood and happiness.

Remember, we’re only here once and it’s up to us to make the most of the time we have - the power to achieve great things is in your hands.


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