Looking After Your Wellbeing During Exams

Exams can come with a lot of pressure which can make us feel extremely stressed. Stress is your body’s natural response to pressure and can help you focus and feel motivated to get things done but it can also feel hard to manage at times. Remember to look after your health and wellbeing during exam time and don’t forget that you're not alone. Everything you’re feeling is completely normal and plenty of others are going through the exact same thing. Various studies of exam stress have shown that exam periods and exam situations are stressful for students. The results from the Natwest Student Living Index 2019 stated that 45% of students admitted they are feeling stressed by their course. Another poll from the same year that included 37,500 students at 140 universities across England, Wales, and Scotland suggests that rates of psychological distress and illness are on the rise in universities, with “alarmingly high” levels of anxiety, loneliness, substance misuse and thoughts of sel...