Learning How to Embrace the Ageing Process

As we journey through life, one thing remains constant: the inevitability of ageing. Yet, in a society that glorifies youth and perpetuates the idea of eternal youthfulness, it can be challenging to embrace the ageing process. Growing older comes with both mental and physical issues and our health can be affected by many factors. In a study published on Frontiers it states that “multiple social, psychological and biological factors are determinant of mental health, as well as life stressors. Among these, the lack of independence, limited mobility, chronic diseases, pain, frailty or other mental and physical problems, require long-term care.” However, with the right mindset, a shift in perspective and a healthy lifestyle we can slow down the ageing process and maintain optimal wellbeing. Ways to embrace the ageing process 1. Acceptance The first step towards embracing the ageing process is acceptance. Ageing is a natural part of life, and it offers us a multitude of experiences and ...