
Showing posts from February, 2023

Self Help Techniques to Improve Mental Health

Poor mental health can result for a number of reasons, from work and relationships, to worries about finances and family issues. These concerns may lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress, all of which may impact your daily life. The good news is that if your mental health is suffering, there are steps you can take to help get it back on track. Tap into mindfulness In short, mindfulness is taking in each moment. This means paying attention to how you feel, and what is happening in the here and now. Sometimes we can be too concerned with tasks we need to get done, and with worries about the future. Mindfulness encourages you to focus on touch, sights, sounds, smells and emotions that you are experiencing in the moment. If you’re feeling anxious, stressed or even lonely, being aware of the way you feel can help you identify why you feel a certain way in that moment. Tackling each feeling as it arises can also stop you becoming overwhelmed by ever increasing waves of emotions....

Recognising Depression in Teenagers

Many parents are already aware of the hormonal changes that take place during the teen years. Dramatic mood swings and conversations consisting of nothing more than grunts or eyerolls can often appear to be the norm once they hit 13. But would you know how to spot the difference between normal teen angst and something more concerning, such as depression in teenagers? According to the British Journal of General Practice “Earlier recognition of depression in young people has the potential to reduce the burden of depression in adulthood.” This alone is enough reason to be aware of the signs of depression in teenagers and, as parent or carer, to want to provide your teen with as much support as possible. What are the signs of depression in children and teens? Low mood for an extended period of time  No longer enjoying activities or hobbies that they once did Increased irritability or bad temperedness Sleeping more or less than usual Drastic change in weight Overeating or undereating F...