How Cold Water Swimming Can improve Your Wellbeing
While people have been cold water swimming for centuries, its popularity has soared in recent years owing to its incredible health benefits. The effect of the cold water not only improves our physical health, but it also has a powerful impact on our mental wellbeing. How does cold water swimming effect our body? When we submerge ourselves in cold water, our body goes into fight or flight mode due to the sudden shock. This then triggers the stress hormone, noradrenaline, to kick into action, making us feel more alert. How can this boost our physical health? Ongoing research has found that there are many physical benefits of immersing yourself in cold water. Because your body has to work harder to keep warm when you’re in cold water, it speeds up your metabolism, which in turn aids weight loss and promotes better sleep. Your heart pumps more blood to your organs, improving circulation, reducing inflammation of muscles and flushing toxins from the blood. When your body goes into flight or...