When habits become out of control - recognising and managing our behaviours
Everybody has good habits and bad habits and often the good habits can be difficult to start and the bad habits can be difficult to stop! But on the whole they don’t tend to negatively impact on our wellbeing in a significant way. However, sometimes we can start to feel dependent on certain habits to make us feel good and whether these were good habits or bad habits to start with doesn’t matter, doing them to excess and without control can cause us serious problems. How do we know when a habit is out of control? Any habit can get out of control or harmful through doing it to excess, even habits that are usually considered healthy, such as exercising or eating. We may notice a habit becoming unhealthy when it starts to negatively impact on our lives in some way. It may impact on your physical health when you start to experience: Difficulty sleeping or not getting enough sleep Tiredness Not eating regularly Becoming ill more often Decreased sex drive It may affect your mental health and ...