Getting the tech-life balance right
As essential as technology is to most people, it has its drawbacks. It’s all too easy to spend hours scrolling through social media posts, checking emails, or playing mobile games. This type of behaviour can result in mental and physical health problems as you become too dependent on technology. However, there are ways to get the balance right. Understand how technology affects your life Technology, when used as a distraction rather than a tool can impact your work and social life. The modern workplace often requires technology and so it is difficult to erase it from your life completely, or even for extended periods of time. However, if you actually record how often you spend online you will become more aware of how much time you are spending being distracted. Do you: Check emails and social media as soon as you wake up? Remain logged into to online accounts all day? Receive notifications and respond to them immediately? Communicate with friends and family mostly via apps and social m...