Get ready for summer

Summer shouldn’t all be about the countdown to looking good on the beach, it should be a time for fun, relaxation and some much-needed time out from your daily routine. Unless we make some proper time for ourselves when we can fully relax and escape the stresses of everyday life, the pressures can mount and as a result we face mental and physical burnout, especially when we’re constantly trying to maintain a hectic lifestyle. In order to make time for ourselves, ideally a week or longer, where we can enjoy lazy mornings, lingering lunches or BBQs in the sunshine, we need to declutter our lives and start to wind down. 8 ways to declutter your life In the weeks leading up to your summer break, try to make sure you’ve finished any outstanding tasks at work. There’s nothing worse than worrying about your job when your supposed to be enjoying a break. You need to be able to totally switch off your mind so that you don’t have any feelings of anxiety. Meditation is a great way to relax, unwin...