How to manage exam stress

The mere thought of exams and tests can strike panic into our hearts and leave us feeling like we haven't done enough. Whatever the subject/s being revised, it can be hard to get the revision balance right. The closer the exams are, the more panicked people often become and there is a tendency to cram in as much revision as possible, however this is not usually beneficial. "There are a number of things students can do to help themselves in the run up to exams and tests," says Professor Ewan Gillon, clinical director of First Psychology Scotland. "Learning to recognise the signs of stress and ways to manage the symptoms can be hugely beneficial." "Often people get engrossed in their studies as the exams approach and feel the only way they can get a good result is to cram in as much information as possible. This can make them feel overwhelmed and can be counterproductive," says Professor Gillon. Instead he advises on the importance of ha...