Tackling common fears
As Halloween approaches and we prepare ourselves to see some scary sights, we're exploring the wider topic of fears and phobias and ways to tackle some of the most common fears. Fears are our in-built way of keeping us safe – they remind us that certain things, such as snakes, can be dangerous, so we give them a wide berth and stay alive. However, sometimes we develop an intense fear of an object or situation that prevents us from carrying on with life on a day-to-day basis. Symptoms of fear and phobia There are many symptoms associated with intense fears and phobias, such as shaking; feeling confused/disoriented; sweating; feeling sick and dizzy; rapid heart beats; chest pains; a dry mouth; and difficulty breathing. Some sufferers may also fear losing control, fainting or dying. These symptoms are commonly experienced by those with anxieties such as fear and phobias. Common fear and phobias People fear all sorts of things, however there are some more commo...