Can you spot the signs of depression in young people?
In our final post during Depression Awareness Week, we wanted to highlight a group of people who are known to be moody as a matter of course - we do of course mean teenagers. Of course, the tendency of teenagers to have mood swings and to be independent is quite normal. As well as hormonal issues, there is a lot of change, anxiety and pressure at this life stage, so it stands to reason that there will be mood swings. However this tendency can make it harder to spot signs of more serious issues, such as depression, in this age group. How can I spot the signs? When it comes to depression, the key is to consider the length and severity of the symptoms. Long lasting, uncharacteristic changes in personality, behaviour or mood are good indicators that something is not right. Teenagers who are depressed may become irritable, hostile and prone to angry outbursts. They may not take criticism very well and be particularly sensitive to being rejected or to failing. You may...